Friday, June 22, 2012

Vote to help win $100,000 to improve Confluence Park!

Vote to help our friends at The Greenway Foundation win $100,000 to improve Confluence Park! Cast your vote in Coca-Cola’s “America is Your Park” campaign, and “check in” at Confluence Park with FourSquare to cast 100 votes!

The award will be based on the highest number of votes cast for the winning park. Citizens of all ages can vote by following the simple steps below:
1. Visit the Coca Cola Live Positively Site by clicking this link~
2. Once at that site click step one and vote online. You can use the map or search for Confluence Park at the top under “Park Name”.
3. You can vote online as many times you would like, per day, per hour, leading up to the deadline of July 15, 2012.
4. You can also choose step Two on the Live Positively site and check in at Confluence Park with Foursquare. For each check in, we will earn 100 votes each time you “check in” from Confluence Park. Just click the Foursquare link on the Live Positively site to accept the permission. Then from your Foursquare app on your smart phone, go to “Outdoors”, choose “Map”, pin “Confluence Park”,

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dredge ONLY Where Dredging is Allowed !

In recent weeks there have been a number of incidents involving gold prospectors using gas powered dredging and highbanking equipment down here on the flatlands in city parks and open space areas where such things are prohibited. We have heard concerns expressed by the cities of Denver, Wheat Ridge as well as Adams county about this activity and there is currently much discussion about “what to do” about "the situation".

Denver Parks and Rec already has provisions prohibiting the use of ANY gas powered motorized equipment in ANY park and/or along the River. There are also water quality and permitting issues.

Therefore, Gold Unlimited is calling on all recreational gold prospectors to obey all city and county regulations. In addition we ask that in order to preserve recreational gold prospecting for future generations that all suction dredging, dry dredging and highbanking cease along the entire Clear Creek corridor below Coors to the confluence with the South Platte River as well as along the South Platte River itself from Littleton through Adams County to the north.

While there are applications where suction dredging can be beneficial to streams and rivers, when and where these activities take place is a matter left to those responsible for cleanup and restoration and ia subject to local, state and regional regulations and policies and NOT to the individual prospector.

Please join with us as we celebrate our gold mining heritage, teach new generations of gold panners to prospect and restore our rivers and creeks. Also, we ask that you join us in making others aware that gas powered suction dredging is for upstream where it is allowed by Jefferson County Open Space and on other state and federal lands and is NOT for use downstream in city parks.


Gold Unlimited is working with the Greenway Foundation and various city, county and state government agencies to publicize rules, guidelines and permitting policies pertaining to gold prospecting including dredging activities.
We all need every prospector to use good judgment, leave no trace and always follow the laws and rules relevant to your activity.

Colorado is a special place where we are fortunate to have so many different outdoor activities to enjoy, we all need to do our part to ensure this remains true 150 years from now.

Support our effort to preserve our heritage and don’t dredge where is is NOT ALLOWED!

Please contact us if you see anyone dredging in city parks or with any questions or comments about gold prospecting and or dredging.
Don Finley Vice President Gold Unlimited
Red Wilcox  President Gold Unlimited
Arvada Colorado USA 
Gold Unlimited - "Preserve the Past, Secure the Future"
(image above of legal dredging above tunnel 3 on Clear Creek in Jefferson County Colorado, photo by Ryan)