As Adams County develops it's long range plans for Clear Creek and the S Platte River, two critical aspects are stormwater management along with flood control measures.
Every recreational gold prospector and gold panner out there should be informed and engaged or risk being left out of the equation as plans are made and projects implemented.
Adams County allows recreational gold prospecting using "non-motorized equipment" (no dredges and gas powered highbankers according to Adams County Parks) in all it's open space and parks property along Clear Creek and also the S Platte River.
Again, we are urging all gold prospectors and small scale miners to PLEASE observe all laws. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out the laws whether those rules and regulations are posted on the creeks and rivers or not.
We encourage all recreational gold prospectors to get involved in your local community and also to support Gold Unlimited as we work to develop relationships with Adams County, City and County of Denver, Jefferson County and others to educate, preserve and secure the future of recreational gold prospecting in Colorado .
Visit for info.